26. august 2020

Fanger: Paweł Pawlik, Polen
Fangst: Gedde
Lokalitet: Sø nær Rønne
Tidspunkt: Eftermiddag
Vægt:  kg
Længde: 67 cm
Endegrej: Spinning/Softlure

Egne kommentarer:
This time I didn't manage to catch any seatrouts, but trying some pike fishing on Bornholm was fun experience.
I got 55 and 67 fish on Wednesday.
I started with some feeder fishing for tench but catched only small roaches, no sign of tench...
Therefore after about 2 hours I swapped tackle for spinning and soon I caught these two within few minutes.
On Thursday I gave it another shot and got two more decent pikes, very similar in size, ca. 62-64 cm.
They might not have been huge, but strikes were very strong and they made some nice crazy jumps.
Released in great shape, hope to catch them in the future when they are much bigger;)
Thanks for the Friday conversation in Sport Dres and see you soon!


24. august 2020

Fanger: Paweł Pawlik, Polen
Fangst: Gedde
Lokalitet: Snorrebakke sø
Tidspunkt: Eftermiddag
Vægt:  kg
Længde: 94 cm
Endegrej: Spinning/Softlure

Egne kommentarer:
My first trip to Bornholm in summer time, always been here in winter/spring season aiming for seatrout.
This time I wanted to try some inshore fishing for perch or pike.
This is the result.
Very powerful fish from deep water.
Amazing slack-line strike and crazy fight!
Released in great condition.
I got 5 more fish between 35-50 cm that afternoon.
Greetings for the senior fisherman I chatted with, it was a pleasure.
If you're reading this, I will try this lake you talked about, I found it later that day, thanks! :)